Our content is unique among independent news providers in spanning geographic, political and technical divides. By educating and informing the public and thought-leaders seeking information and solutions to local/national/global issues in a non-partisan manner, we have demonstrated success impacting public policy. Ensuring coverage for the critical issues and voices of our day, we're solving three problems: providing content for hard-pressed media outlets; lifting up public interest voices that inspire and raise our level of civic dialogue; and preserving an educated and informed population critical to a vibrant democracy.

Now offering "seamless delivery" via legacy, new and digital media, Public News Service content is used at the local and national level by print, radio, TV and online outlets, from local newspapers, community broadcasters and blogs to national networks. We distribute to 10s of thousands of media outlets and over 8,000 are regularly using our content, reaching individuals and thought-leaders seeking information and solutions.

PNS content is used at the local and national level, including:

Major aggregators like the Huffington Post direct users to the PNS site, while many small niche news sites repurpose our content for their own use. The PNS Facebook and Twitter pages regularly post our reporting as well as interesting content from a wide variety of sources. Through the consistent posting of informative content, we have developed a strong reputation as being a reliable source of high-quality information. Beyond traditional social media, we use third-party listening services for mobile devices to host our content and provide people one more way to easily listen to our content on the go. Sharing PNS podcasts on iTunes and Stitcher Radio and PRX - PNS provides news to an even wider audience.

Why Solution-Focused Journalism Matters (More Than Ever)

Gaining access to the dominant media is increasingly dependent on being able to relate to journalists in time-saving ways.

Often this expertise comes with a hefty price tag, and those with fewer resources have a harder time being heard and taken seriously in the public arena. In fact, Huffington Post charges $40,000 (in 2014) per story for “native advertising” and many corporate entities are paying very large sums for the content they want to see promoted and shared.

The public officially owns the airwaves, but the companies that run them sell that airspace, and in general media outlets see any space under their control as "real estate" with financial value. Larger corporations and charitable institutions have the resources to underwrite content in return for branding and advertising. Public broadcasting allows small donors to vote for the specific programs they like. Our model allows anyone to fund, or help fund, independent reporting on any issue.

This is a new model that allows anyone or any organization to be a philanthropist. Our content has to be extremely useful for other outlets to give up their "real estate" for it.

With news, we're providing a highly valuable product that other journalists and media outlets need. And, as new platforms are created, our content adapts easily and supports the rapidly changing news and information environment.

The Issues We Cover

The graph below illustrates the coverage of funded issues from last year in the U.S. A well-rounded news service helps ensure the greatest media outlet pickup. Counter to what one might think, the more stories we send out, the more they are all picked up and redistributed.

Issues Number of Stories Media Pickup

If you don't see stories on topics you care deeply about...
would you consider "adopting" coverage on what is most important to you? Join PNS now to make sure issues you care about are covered!