DENVER – Anchor institutions – organizations such as hospitals and universities that develop deep roots in surrounding communities – are finding new ways to bolster local economies and create opportunities for more low-income residents, according to a new report by the Funders' Network.
Dace West, vice president of community impact with the The Denver Foundation, says local funders are also getting into the action.
"There's a real opportunity for us to work with institutions that haven't traditionally been involved in community and economic development in a way that's driven by community needs," she states.
The Denver Foundation played a key role in a collaboration that resulted in jobs for 400 local community members.
Working with the University of Colorado's Anschutz Medical Campus, 80 students from local neighborhoods have graduated from a 10-week training program.
Nearly 60 percent of graduates were hired, with a 98 percent retention rate.
Charles Rutheiser, a senior associate with The Annie E. Casey Foundation, notes the core business aspects of universities and hospitals can be deployed in partnership with communities to achieve better health and educational outcomes.
He points to programs that encourage students to stay in school and that help young people make a successful transition to college.
"Anchor institutions are a new and important chapter in the long history of new approaches to community development in the United States,” he states. “These institutions can partner, invest and act in new and different ways without sacrificing their bottom line."
Ruthheiser adds the foundation is exploring how to expand the anchor category to include other institutions with community connections, including for-profit companies, sports teams, libraries and museums.
The next step, he says, is to translate these best practices into policy, so that more localities can support anchor-based community development.
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Tuesday is National Medal of Honor Day, celebrating the thousands of service members since 1861 who have been awarded the country's highest military honor.
Of more than 40 million Americans who have served in the armed forces, fewer than 4,000 have received the Medal of Honor. Maryland is credited with more than 60 recipients. Alumni of the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis account for more than 70 medal holders.
Chris Cassidy, CEO of the National Medal of Honor Museum, said it is common for a recipient to receive the honor decades after their service.
"Over time, they get relooked and it's called a medal upgrade from, say, a Navy Cross to a Medal of Honor," Cassidy explained. "That happens frequently. It's not rare that you might see they're reviewing a Vietnam award and the person's still living and they get an award decades after their action happened."
In January, the House of Representatives unanimously passed the National Medal of Honor Monument Location Act. The bill would put a national monument for Medal of Honor recipients near the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C.
Today also is set for the grand opening of the National Medal of Honor Museum in Texas.
Cassidy pointed out given limited real estate on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., it made sense for the museum to be built outside the nation's capital. He added the museum will be a place where people can hear stories of ordinary people going above and beyond.
"Our museum is going to be a repository of amazing stories," Cassidy emphasized. "Stories of courage and sacrifice of normal people, just like you and I, who did something extraordinary when the nation needed them to do it."
Among the recipients of the honor, 19 service members have received it twice and 14 of those were awarded for two separate actions. In 1917, laws were changed, ending the award of multiple Medals of Honor.
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As New Yorkers protest the Trump administration, some groups are advising best practices for protesting. State and national protests are occurring against GOP budget cuts and mass firings of federal employees. These have mostly been peaceful actions, but with emotions running high, there can be some incidents of violence.
Kalaya'an Mendoza, head of U.S. programs with Nonviolent Peaceforce, says having a safety plan is the best way to stay safe at a protest.
"What that looks like could be everything from making sure you have a buddy to doing some research about where the protest is happening to find your primary and secondary exit points, to also knowing who the organizers are and even doing a capacity check for yourself," she said.
Mendoza noted that risks vary based on where a person is, but they should first determine if it's safe for them to even be at a protest. Beyond outside factors, another challenge to staying safe is seeing how state security forces act at the protest. He added to remain alert since they could use tear gas or pepper spray as things change. Sometimes, people might attend protests simply to agitate the crowd or incite violence.
If a protest gets violent or someone gets aggressive, knowing your survival response can help keep things calm. Mendoza noted as much as people can try, they can't de-escalate an aggressor, law enforcement officers, or someone intent on harming you. But, he says people don't consider certain things when preparing to attend a protest, although they always should.
"Having a buddy, that's a very important thing; just like having someone watch your back or even having a remote buddy, someone that can check on you before, during, and after the protest. That you would let them know, like, 'I'm going to be here. I plan to be here,' especially for folks that may be more vulnerable or at risk for arrest or deportation," Mendoza said.
Protests regarding the Trump administration have been nonviolent, but Mendoza says this is also due to them being organized by communities which could be targeted. In his 30 years of activism, the violence Mendoza's seen at protests came from state security forces or agitators.
Disclosure: Nonviolent Peaceforce contributes to our fund for reporting on Criminal Justice, Human Rights/Racial Justice, Peace, Social Justice. If you would like to help support news in the public interest,
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AARP is taking applications for its 2025 Community Challenge grants and Wyoming's state chapter encouraged nonprofits and municipalities to apply.
Since 2017, AARP has invested more than $20 million in 1,700 projects nationwide. The grants are designed for quick-action projects to help communities of all sizes become more livable, especially for those aged 50 and up.
Ron Hammel, a member of the AARP Wyoming Executive Council, runs Wyoming's grant program as a volunteer.
"Let's say you're a small community up in Wyoming and you have an idea to do something that would benefit a lot of people in that area but you have no way of getting the money," Hammel explained. "This is one place where people could get up to $25,000 to fund a project."
Last year, a total of $45,000 was awarded to four Wyoming projects. Applications for the 2025 cycle are due March 5.
The City of Evanston last year received more than $12,000 to install concrete pingpong, foosball and chess tables in outdoor spaces downtown.
Mieke Madrid, program coordinator and grant writer for Evanston Main Street, said the project helps the program meet its goal to help build lasting memories.
"It is important to create public spaces that are for people of all ages and abilities and to create a dynamic space," Madrid emphasized.
Madrid pointed out the game tables help create a "sense of place" for locals and visitors alike.
In Buffalo, Powder River American Legion Post 13 used more than $5,000 to purchase 500 veterans markers for the town's several cemeteries.
Chuck Guilford, former post commander, said it gave their efforts a needed boost.
"We've been doing it piecemeal for the longest time ordering 40 markers or 20 markers and looking at years and years to get it done," Guilford recounted. "With the funding, we were able to order a sufficient supply."
Now, Guilford added, the grave of every interred veteran in Johnson County is marked as such.
Disclosure: AARP Wyoming contributes to our fund for reporting on Civic Engagement, Consumer Issues, Health Issues, and Senior Issues. If you would like to help support news in the public interest,
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