A New Kind of PR
Looking for affordable native advertising and content marketing? Our sister PR company SoundBite Services (SBS) offers additional options to address all of your advocacy and/or campaign needs. Plus, even though SBS rates are below market, all profits go to support Public News Service -- a "win-win-win."
- Packages for every budget -- whether it is a single press release, video news release, audio news release, PSA or any element for your ongoing campaign -- comparing cost and audience reach, SBS is more cost-effective than an ad-buy!
- Distribution targeted anywhere in the country -- nationally or down to the city or district - your message can be shared nationwide to large and small media outlets.
- SBS clients have full control of the editorial process, and can produce as little or as much of the content as they desire.
Public News Service Member Discounts
Your Public News Service membership gets you deep discounts off market rates on SoundBite Services stories not available to anyone else. SoundBite Services takes the network, knowledge, and high quality standards you know and love with Public News Service, and puts them to work to promote that one-time event, or an on-going campaign.
Interested? Talk to our outreach team to find out how you can add a SoundBite package to your membership!