Many backers of the bipartisan infrastructure package hail the number of jobs it's supposed to create - an average of 1.5 million jobs annually for 10 years. Advocates for equal pay say as those jobs roll out, it's important to make sure women and people of color get access to them.
Wendy Chun-Hoon, director of the Women's Bureau at the U.S. Department of Labor, said women and especially women of color often are often in the lowest-paid jobs - although they're some of the most important, like child care and elder care.
"We have to address raising both wages in these underpaid jobs, undervalued jobs, because of long-held structural racism and sexism in our country," said Chun-Hoon. "And we have to increase the number of women who are in some of these higher-paying jobs."
Fewer than 4% of specialized jobs in construction and extraction fields are filled by women. Chun-Hoon noted the Women's Bureau has a grants program, called "Women in Apprenticeship and Non-Traditional Occupations," to expand women's pathways to these careers.
Sasha Goodfriend - executive director of the Massachusetts Chapter of the National Organization for Women - noted the Commonwealth's equal-pay law means employers cannot request information about a person's past salary before making an offer, and they cannot retaliate against workers for discussing their pay.
She urged workers to have those conversations.
"Before this law, you could be fired for sharing what your salary was," said Goodfriend. "And so, I know it's uncomfortable, because we've been taught that it's not something we're supposed to talk about."
Celia J. Blue, president and CEO of the Massachusetts Women of Color Coalition, said it's also important to be educated about your industry.
"There's so many tools out there today, that you could easily find out what is your industry, what's the average pay, what's the range?" said Blue. "Arm yourself with [that], going into any job, or even if you're already in the job."
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March is Women's History Month and an Arkansas native has made history by being honored with a $1 coin from the U.S. Mint.
The late Raye Montague was an engineer with the U.S. Navy and created the first computer-generated rough draft of a U.S. naval ship in 1971. Because of her work, ships could be designed in 18 hours instead of two years.
David Montague, associate vice chancellor for academic affairs at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock and Raye's son, said his family worked closely with the mint to create the coin's design.
"It was her with her hand over her heart, which is patriotic, and then looking over the ship that she designed, the Oliver Hazard Perry," Montague explained. "That struck me immediately. And then the background, underneath the ship is the sea, and then that is actually a computer grid."
He recalled when he was a child, he collected coins with his mother, so it is fitting she would receive the honor. She died in 2018.
Last year, the federal building where she worked, in Bethesda, Maryland, was renamed the Raye Montague Center for Maritime Technology. Her son pointed out although his mother faced obstacles, she created time to help others.
"She saw it as the natural course of her professional opportunities," Montague observed. "If she was able to gain opportunities to do things and grow as a human being, she wanted to make sure that she opened doors for other people and was trying to make the world a better place."
The coin was released earlier this year and Montague noted it is already being used to continue his mother's legacy. The currency was shared with kids in an Arkansas youth group.
"They used the coin to say you all are Arkansas youth and this person was an Arkansas youth, and look, they're on a dollar coin," Montague added. "If she can do great things, as long as you work hard and you push for opportunities, then you have options as well."
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Women in rural areas struggle more with menopause than their urban counterparts, according to a study from the University of Washington.
Rural women reported more symptoms like joint pain and mood swings in one of the first studies to look at menopausal rural-urban discrepancies.
Dr. Susan Reed, program director at the University of Washington Women's Reproductive Health Research Center and an author of the report, said she's not surprised by the results. She stressed the study is a signal medical providers need to do better for the rural population.
"If people transition through this period in a healthy fashion, they live longer," Reed outlined. "They have fewer cardiovascular problems and perhaps better brain aging."
Reed noted other studies have shown women in rural areas are struggling with higher mortality rates and other health issues like higher suicide rates and obesity. She added there is decreased access in rural places because of the long distances people often have to travel to receive care.
"People providing menopause health care in rural areas, many of them are really passionate and do a good job," Reed observed. "There just aren't enough of them."
Reed emphasized there are other factors contributing to poor menopausal care, not just for women in rural areas but urban and suburban areas too. She argued hormonal therapy is a safe and effective treatment and there should be a higher prevalence of its use.
"The challenges there are due to misinformation on the internet, fear of patients," Reed explained. "And then providers not being skilled enough to help people understand risks and benefits of menopausal hormone therapy."
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The gender gap in Ohio politics persists, and President Donald Trump's new executive order eliminating federal diversity programs is expected to create more challenges for women and other underrepresented groups in public service.
Ohio Women in Government is among the organizations working to bridge this gap by offering scholarships to students who take unpaid internships in state government. The group's vice president-elect, Andrea Harless, said the $1,500 awards are designed to alleviate financial burdens, especially for those from socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds.
"There are young women that just do not have the financial means to come to Columbus for a summer and pay to have an unpaid internship, and that does create barriers," she said. "It's very real for a lot of people."
Applications for the current round of scholarships will close today with another round planned for later in the year. More information on the scholarships is online at
The elimination of diversity programs has drawn criticism from organizations advocating for equitable representation. Catherine Turcer, executive director of Common Cause Ohio, argued that women continue to face systemic obstacles in entering and advancing in government, including disparities in campaign funding and policy influence.
"Diversity doesn't mean that we're not inviting people who are very qualified to the table," she said. "It means we're trying to have a diversity of opinions so that, in fact, we can create good public policy that we can address the needs for all the people in the country."
She added that eliminating these initiatives weakens government institutions by limiting diverse perspectives in policymaking.
Ohio Women in Government president-elect Julia Wynn encouraged young women to pursue public service.
"It starts with making sure that young women have faith in themselves to be the decisionmaker for their communities," she said.
Wynn said the more women who rise up and understand the legislative process, the more that can be accomplished.
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