New Jersey
NJ lawmakers improving mental health access
While New Jersey has recently been proactive in ensuring access to mental-health coverage, whether insurance companies are meeting those needs is a …
NJ spending on student mental health is up, challenges remain
While New Jersey has made gains in K-through-12 mental health support, advocates said the state needs to do more. In recent years New Jersey has …
NJ gov continues advancing progress on climate goals
New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy is maintaining the state's clean-energy progress. In his final State of the State Address, Murphy thanked lawmakers for …
As saltwater encroaches on farms, solutions emerge from marshes
By Lisa Held for Civil Eats.Broadcast version by Brett Peveto for New Jersey News Service reporting for the Solutions Journalism Network-Public News S…
Experts say 'superbugs' are making antibiotic drugs less effective
Medical researchers said germs are getting smarter and more are becoming resistant to a class of drugs designed to treat infections. Doctors say the …
Patients shop around as Medicare open enrollment gets underway
One million, six hundred and fifty thousand New Jerseyites on Medicare - almost 18% of the state - have a big decision to make, because the Medicare …
NJ taking action to improve maternal mental health
New Jersey ranks poorly for maternal mental health. The Policy Center for Maternal Mental Health gave the state a C- due to several factors. A bill …
Plastics production highlighted during Pollution Prevention Week
This is Pollution Prevention Week and advocates are renewing their call on one plastics manufacturer to clean up its act. An August demonstration at …
NJ parents reminded to schedule back-to-school checkups
As summer comes to a close, New Jersey educators and health professionals are encouraging parents to get students an annual health checkup. In …
Bilingual, multicultural staff needed for NJ addiction treatment
More than 85,000 people are admitted each year in New Jersey to treatment programs for alcohol and drug addiction, and experts say language can be a …
Ways to stay safe as heat-related illness ticks up
As the calendar turns to summer, emergency rooms start seeing more patients due to seasonal injuries and illnesses and expanded virtual health care …
Report: NJ ranks high in overall child well-being, challenges remain
The Annie E. Casey Foundation has published its annual Kids Count Data Book, and the report shows the impact of the pandemic on educational outcomes…