Few animal welfare laws lead to misery in factory farms
Advocates said a lack of animal welfare laws is leading to pain and suffering on American factory farms. Close to 99% of livestock is now raised in …
Experts say antibiotic resistance is growing in VT due to 'superbugs'
Medical researchers say germs are getting smarter and more of them are becoming resistant to a class of drugs designed to treat infections. Doctors …
Open enrollment brings changes to VT Medicare Advantage market
Vermont seniors are encouraged to weigh their health plan options during the Medicare open enrollment period, which runs through December 7. Many …
Vermont union workers cry foul over immigration service center layoffs
Unionized workers in Vermont with the federal agency responsible for processing immigration and asylum paperwork claim they are being forced to turn t…
Pandemic learning-loss, economic hardship impacting VT childrens’ well-being
Vermont ranks high in child well-being, but post-pandemic learning loss continues to impact educational outcomes, according to a new report. The 202…
Flood-impacted VT households rebuild for climate resilience
By Annie Ropeik for Energy News Network.Broadcast version by Kathryn Carley for Maine News Service reporting for the Solutions Journalism Network-Publ…
Report reveals economic disparities for children of color in Vermont
Children of color in Vermont fare relatively well compared to their peers nationwide, but a new report says economic disparities persist for their …
Leaving the leaves helps wildlife thrive, VT gardens grow
Autumn leaves will soon be falling and a growing number of homeowners in Vermont are willing to leave them on the ground. A new survey from the …
Lack of Available Child Care Impacts VT Economy, Families
Vermont ranks fourth in the nation on measures of child well-being, according to a new report. The 2023 Kids Count Data Book from the Annie E…