The season of giving is upon us, but consumer advocates are urging people to stay vigilant, so it doesn't become the "season of taking."
The number of scams increases greatly during the holidays, by phone and online.
Kelley Ferguson, chief administration officer of Numerica Credit Union, which has branches in North Idaho, said donating to charities is great, but scammers can take advantage of your generosity this time of year.
Ferguson noted one common technique they use is pressure, to donate on the spot, with no time to think it through.
"If the heartstrings aren't tugged, whoever is on the other line might make you feel pressured or face with some kind of aggression, or have an emergency deadline or something like that they put on your donation," Ferguson explained. "That's red flag number one, that might be a scam."
Ferguson listed some other signs to watch for, which might be clues to fraud. One is if the scammer said they can only accept cash or checks made out to an individual instead of an organization. And even if the call or email is from an organization you've donated to before, if it doesn't feel right, contact the organization directly.
Ferguson stressed it is important to check charities out fully, especially if you feel pressured to donate. He also suggested you can be direct with the caller.
"Make sure you ask questions like, 'How will the funds be distributed? Who benefits; when funds will be allocated? What percentage of donations directly benefit the cause that you're talking about?' Just to get a general sense of their understanding of the charity you're working with," Ferguson recommended.
Ferguson added there are steps people can take if they fall victim to a scam. First, he said, don't panic. Take steps to protect your identity, such as changing passwords. And report any potentially stolen identifiers, like a credit card number.
"Cover your digital tracks to make sure that if something was taken from you, from a fraudster, that you've taken that ability away for them to not get back on and steal any more information," Ferguson advised.
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Americans working two jobs to help with living expenses and cover some extras has become the norm. The U.S. Census shows that 25% of Midwest women work in multiple jobs within office and administration work. Of men, 24% hold outside jobs in management.
One study conducted by the company MyPerfectResume found that 71% of U.S. workers rely on a secondary income.
Jasmine Escalara, reinvention coach for the company, said workers struggle to depend solely on their primary job to cover their basic necessities, but juggling two jobs can remove opportunities for career advancement.
"The biggest piece of data we found is that 49% of people that were surveyed said that their secondary source of income is actually impacting their performance at their primary job," said Escalara. "So, what we're seeing here is, 'I need this, but even though I need this, I'm not doing a good job at my primary job.'"
She noted this imbalance decreases the ability to achieve a lifestyle that supports a work-life balance. The lack of productivity brought on by stress and fatigue from a primary job means you're likely not putting in the extra investment needed to get higher pay, better titles or job promotions.
U.S. Census data for Indiana reveal nearly 13% of Hoosiers have more than one job.
The list of companies mandating that workers return to the office full-time keeps growing. This job change could mean remote workers with established routines face disruptions. And many employees have no choice but to conform or face losing their jobs.
Escalera said making yourself a priority and focusing on maintaining boundaries are critical.
"If you have gotten a taste of this and you don't want to go back, then it's really about, 'I may need to find another company that's going to be able to give me this flexibility.' And then, you're stepping into a job search where your big value and concern -- and the thing that you're looking for -- is that level of flexibility," she continued.
Twenty-one percent of people surveyed report experiencing stress and burnout and spending less time with family and friends while juggling two jobs. Escalara suggests starting a job search to find a company that permits remote work.
Disclosure: Lumina Foundation for Education (Indiana general) contributes to our fund for reporting on Budget Policy & Priorities, Education, Environment, Health Issues, Social Justice. If you would like to help support news in the public interest,
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Ohioans have long had the ability to choose their electricity providers but new research highlighted the financial consequences of such decisions.
A study examined how competitive retail electricity service options stack up against standard utility rates.
Noah Dormady, associate professor of public policy at Ohio State University and the study's lead author, said an analysis of nearly 3 million records over a 10-year period revealed approximately three-quarters of offers were more expensive than the utility's default service rate.
"Consumers in these markets are oftentimes unaware of the options available to them," Dormady observed. "They're oftentimes unaware that most competitive offers have prices far exceeding the default standard service offer rate historically."
While consumers may expect to save money through retail choice, Dormady's study found median price increases often exceeded 25% to 35%, compared with potential savings of just 5% to 10%.
Dormady's research found the same general effects across service territories, including AEP Ohio, Duke Energy, DPL of AES and FirstEnergy regions, which raises questions about market efficiency and the persistence of high prices.
"As an economist, I can tell you, if this market were efficient, you would not see the prevalence and persistence of above-market rates," Dormady asserted. "We're seeing offers that are 400%, 500%, 600% above the default service rate and they continue to be posted every day for well over a 10-year period."
Dormady's findings emphasized the need for increased consumer awareness and potential policy reforms, including the creation of an Independent Market Monitor to oversee pricing practices. While retail choice provides flexibility, the data underscored the importance of Ohioans understanding their options to make informed decisions about their electricity costs.
Disclosure: Ohio State University contributes to our fund for reporting on Arts and Culture, Environment, and Social Justice. If you would like to help support news in the public interest,
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A new report examines how Connecticut should regulate artificial intelligence. The Connecticut Voices for Children report finds AI use is embedded in certain economic sectors, but its lack of regulation is dangerous for younger internet users. Beyond deepfakes and deceptive designs capturing a person's data, it also increased cheating on school assignments.
Carmen Clarkin, research and policy associate with Connecticut Voices for Children, said AI's growing presence in kids' online lives creates well-being risks.
"Beyond privacy, there are broader concerns about how AI shapes children's critical thinking, their ability to identify misinformation, their ability to make decisions, and its ability to increase their exposure to harmful content," she said.
She added that data breaches of kid's information can have lifelong consequences. State lawmakers have introduced a bill to regulate AI. Given that it's still relatively new, it calls for amending laws to protect people from algorithmic discrimination and unfair treatment by artificial intelligence. The bill has been referred to the General Assembly's Joint Committee on General Law.
Although federal officials attempted regulating AI, bills introduced in Congress didn't make much progress. President Donald Trump rescinded former President Joe Biden's executive orders requiring AI developers to share safety test results of systems posing threats to national security, the economy, or public health. Clarkin said Connecticut lawmakers should consider international AI standards when developing regulations.
"By aligning with international best practices, Connecticut can ensure AI applications in sensitive areas are appropriately monitored, building safety and fostering ethical compliance," she added.
Other recommendations include promoting data and privacy protections, mitigating bias, ensuring accountability, and having transparency and fairness disclosures.
Disclosure: Connecticut Voices for Children contributes to our fund for reporting on Budget Policy & Priorities, Children's Issues, Education, Juvenile Justice. If you would like to help support news in the public interest,
click here.
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