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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

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California 'price gouging' ripples to Iowa; Trump lawyers in classified docs case ask judge to suppress evidence seized during Mar-a-Lago search; Mobile units aim to 'Make Summer Fair' for rural low-income kids; New Mexico earns high marks, boosts enrollment with no-cost college.

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WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is to be a free man, Georgia law enforcement training to prevent voter intimidation, and the nation's first publicly funded religious charter school is ruled unconstitutional.

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A Minnesota town claims the oldest rural Pride Festival while rural educators say they need support to teach kids social issues, rural businesses can suffer when dollar stores come to town and prairie states like South Dakota are getting help to protect grasslands.

Loneliness, isolation on the rise around the holidays

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Tuesday, December 26, 2023   

As festive as the holidays can be, isolation and loneliness peak at this time of year.

A 2022 survey finds 55% of Americans experience increased loneliness and sadness around the holidays. Some reasons for these feelings include not being around loved ones, seasonal depression, and grief.

Deb Bibbins, founder and CEO of For All Ages, said images of togetherness at this time of year play a role in this growing problem.

"The reality is that these images represent an unachievable possibility of connection for many people," said Bibbins, "which can lead to feelings of sadness that they won't be able to achieve the level of happiness portrayed. Which, in turn, results in disinterest in being social, and finally, results in loneliness."

She said reaching out for positive social connections is important. Whether it's calling friends or visiting family, these can have tremendous effects.

The benefits include an increased sense of well-being and better health. Other options like volunteering can give people a sense of purpose, which can eradicate loneliness too.

But one of the hardest steps for trying to leave holiday-related loneliness behind is the first one - acknowledging it. This can enable people to move forward since this can go beyond feelings of inadequacy.

Bibbins said isolation and loneliness can have health impacts.

"Loneliness is a root cause of anxiety, of depression," said Bibbins. "It can be a root cause of substance abuse and even suicide. And, for older adults, loneliness increases the probability of having a stroke, of developing heart disease, and even developing dementia."

Anyone suffering from suicidal thoughts should contact 988 or find mental health treatment options.

Outside of the holidays, the U.S. has been experiencing an epidemic of loneliness and isolation.

Part of the National Strategy to Advance Social Connection includes strengthening social infrastructure in local communities and reforming digital environments.

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