Walk through a store or schools, and there's a chance the overhead lighting will come from long fluorescent tubes. Minnesota is taking steps to phase out those bulbs that experts say are harmful to the environment and human health.
In the spring legislative session, Minnesota became the latest state to ban the sale of fluorescent bulbs starting in 2025. The end date for more specialized bulbs is January 2026. Supporters of the ban say people already have a lot of safer LED options at their fingertips.
Eric Fowler, senior policy associate of buildings with Fresh Energy, said remaining fluorescent products still on the market pose hidden dangers.
"We're going to keep the market moving in the direction it's already going and transition away from these lights that, at this point, are unnecessarily hazardous, fragile glass tubes with toxic mercury," he explained.
Legislative researchers say despite recycling requirements for fluorescent products, they still end up accidentally broken or thrown away. That exposes custodial staff, waste workers and others to mercury, a well-known toxin that's especially harmful to pregnant people and children. Backers say the law change, passed with bipartisan support, also paves the way for more energy efficiency.
Josh McClenney, state policy associate for the Appliance Standards Awareness Project, has been tracking the passage of these laws around the country. He said while the LED bulb might be a more expensive purchase, businesses will find them to be valuable over time through energy bill savings.
"For the most common type of LED replacement, it's just about .11 more expensive and it pays itself back in less than a month," said McClenney.
Fresh Energy said switching from fluorescent to LED bulbs could save Minnesota close to 800 gigawatts of electricity in a year, avoiding 650,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions.
People who buy fluorescent bulbs before the state's end date will still be able to use them until they burn out.
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This weekend, Virginians will participate with other birders around the world in the Great Backyard Bird Count.
Thousands of birding enthusiasts count birds seen in their local areas, even within walking distance of their home or in sight of their bird feeders. People need to watch birds for 15 minutes in one location and submit their identified birds to e-bird, a database developed by the Cornell Ornithology Lab and the National Audubon Society.
Max Goldman, statewide access coordinator for the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources, said it is important to count birds during the winter months. Traditionally, he said, conservation efforts have only focused on breeding times in the spring.
"Wintering kind of fell by the wayside for a long time, even though, from a conservation perspective, you have to have areas for these birds to spend each part of their life cycle over a year," Goldman explained. "If one of those areas is threatened for whatever reason -- the resources are threatened or the area itself disappears -- then you've got a real problem with the survivability of those species."
In 2024, more than 200 countries participated in the count, identifying nearly 8,000 species of birds worldwide.
Nearly 650,000 people participated in last year's bird count, which is three times the number of people who took part a decade ago.
Goldman noted the count works well for those who are just getting started in their interest in birds.
"It's a really interesting way for people who are new birders to report the birds that are in their backyard or that are in the areas that they already go," Goldman pointed out. "Focus on birds during a time of year when they otherwise wouldn't and to contribute to a really robust, large and important data set."
From the 2023 to 2024 counts, 45% of countries saw a 100% increase in submissions.
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This weekend, birders across the world, including in Maryland, will participate in the Great Backyard Bird Count.
Thousands of birding enthusiasts count birds seen in their local areas, even within walking distance of their home. People taking part watch birds for at least 15 minutes in one location and submit their identified birds to e-bird, a database developed by the Cornell Ornithology Lab and the National Audubon Society.
Gabriel Foley, executive director of the Maryland Bird Conservation Partnership, said the count serves as a good way to understand local bird populations before the large springtime migrations.
"The fact that migration is not occurring during the timing of this makes a big difference," Foley explained. "It's pretty much just to be able to compare this little snapshot of population from year to year."
In 2024, more than 200 countries participated in the Great Backyard Bird Count, identifying nearly 8,000 species of birds worldwide.
Nearly 650,000 people participated in last year's bird count, three times the number of people who participated just a decade ago. Foley added the count is a great way to expand opportunities for less mobile communities to participate in bird conservation efforts.
"Anybody can be involved," Foley pointed out. "It doesn't matter how old you are. It's a great opportunity, especially because it tends to be centered around home, for young folks and older folks, who might have access issues, getting out into places where other bird counts happen."
From the 2023 to 2024 counts, 45% of countries saw a 100% increase in submissions.
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Grasslands are considered a vital component of South Dakota's landscape. But on the heels of new research, an expert suggests they might not fare as well if the rate of drought patterns keeps intensifying.
Scott Collins, a University of New Mexico biology professor, helped co-author a new study that compared grasslands in North America and China, and their ability to recover from a drought. He said the areas they looked at in the United States performed better, despite some being in drier climates.
However, Collins warned that research is still evolving, and said if a warming planet produces more droughts, this is something grassland-heavy regions need to pay close attention to.
"Grasslands are underappreciated. They store a lot of carbon, they harbor a lot of biodiversity," he said. "We really need to think about their future under the climate regimes we're anticipating."
Research authors have said these findings could have broad implications for land management practices under the threat of climate change. Collins said South Dakota's grasslands are more comparable to China's than to the southern Plains states they studied. That means their productivity might suffer more if future drought predictions are accurate.
Collins said the group of researchers who teamed up for this project looked at impacts based on just one drought cycle. No matter how sensitive a grassland is to these conditions, he said, prolonged stretches of no rain -- with few gaps in between -- will eventually overwhelm the vegetation.
"As that happens," he added, "then you'll see a dramatic decline in production, and probably substantial changes in the composition of those grasses. "
Grasslands also contribute to agriculture, especially for livestock grazing. Such groups as the South Dakota Grasslands Coalition are working with area farmers to prepare for these scenarios. That includes tips from experts on how to better manage cattle on drought-stricken lands.
Disclosure: South Dakota Grassland Coalition contributes to our fund for reporting on Endangered Species & Wildlife, Environment, Sustainable Agriculture, Water. If you would like to help support news in the public interest,
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