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Thursday, June 20, 2024

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Expert warns of upcoming threats to democracy across the nation; Judge in Trump documents case rejects suggestions to step aside; NC businesses fear effects of 'bathroom bill'; Report says restaurants allow abuse, disease risk at MD animal farms.

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A congresswoman celebrates Biden protections for mixed status families, Louisiana's Ten Commandments law faces an inevitable legal challenge, and a senator moves to repeal the strict 19th century anti-obscenity and anti-abortion Comstock Act.

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Rural educators say they need support to teach kids social issues, rural businesses can suffer when dollar stores come to town, prairie states like South Dakota are getting help to protect grasslands and a Minnesota town claims the oldest rural Pride Festival.

NJ elected officials work to relieve concerns about EVs

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Thursday, June 13, 2024   

As New York and New Jersey transition to electric vehicles, consumers have mixed feelings about it.

Polls show fewer than half of New York drivers would buy an EV as their next vehicle. The number increases for New Jersey drivers, who feel phasing out gas-powered cars can improve air quality.

W. Reed Gusciora, mayor of Trenton, said more electric vehicles on the road mean cleaner air and fewer health issues.

"Families are suffering from higher rates of asthma and heart disease, and other health issues directly linked to air pollution," Gusciora pointed out. "The transition to electric vehicles offer a lifeline significantly reducing the pollutants that compromise the air we breathe."

The city recently announced it has high levels of lead in the soil, which Gusciora attributes to air pollution. The American Lung Association ranks Mercer County, where Trenton is located, as one of the worst in the state for air quality.

Reports showed transitioning to EVs can reduce deaths in the state and create $36 billion in public health benefits.

New Jersey and New York are transitioning to renewable energy sources, predominantly offshore wind.

New Jersey Asm. Carol Murphy, D-Mount Laurel, said along with the jobs offshore wind creates, implementing it creates more sustainable transportation.

"Not only does offshore wind provide the jobs and the necessary health benefits that provide us to live not only on the shores," Murphy noted. "But in many of our communities once we see the impact of offshore wind being able to have on our vehicles, and be able to see the power that is going to generate."

Some studies showed electric vehicles can reduce pollution in environmental justice communities.

Kaleem Shabazz, a council member in Atlantic City, said the city is introducing measures to reduce the climate effects residents face.

"We are revamping our parking lots to have EV chargers," Shabazz outlined. "We purchased electric vehicles for our city fleet. We are working in conjunction with city government to do an audit on energy buildings in our city."

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