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Friday, June 21, 2024

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Expert warns of upcoming threats to democracy across the nation; Judge in Trump documents case rejects suggestions to step aside; NC businesses fear effects of 'bathroom bill'; Report says restaurants allow abuse, disease risk at MD animal farms.

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A congresswoman celebrates Biden protections for mixed status families, Louisiana's Ten Commandments law faces an inevitable legal challenge, and a senator moves to repeal the strict 19th century anti-obscenity and anti-abortion Comstock Act.

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Rural educators say they need support to teach kids social issues, rural businesses can suffer when dollar stores come to town, prairie states like South Dakota are getting help to protect grasslands and a Minnesota town claims the oldest rural Pride Festival.

MI dad imprisoned 17 years celebrates Father's Day with son

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Friday, June 14, 2024   

This weekend, Father's Day will be tough for children with a dad in jail or prison.

More than 200,000 kids in Michigan have had an incarcerated parent at some point in their lives. Statistics show an overwhelming percentage of those parents are fathers.

Tore Price, 48, was released from a Michigan prison last February after serving 17 years for armed robbery, a crime he said was fueled by a struggle with drug addiction. At the time, his son was only 2. Behind bars, Price explained he connected with organizations, including the University of Michigan, to learn how to become an advocate for incarcerated parents.

"(I am) very passionate about helping folks that are still inside, about parents that are still inside," Price stressed. "Because today my son is 13 now, and because people advocated for me, we have a great relationship."

Price has expressed deep remorse for his crimes and added he is grateful to his family and supportive organizations for helping him maintain the father-son relationship while he was incarcerated.

During the pandemic, Michigan's parole board released 33% fewer people from prison and held 22% fewer hearings. There are also racial disparities. African American children are seven times more likely, and Latino children twice as likely, to have an incarcerated parent as their white peers. Yet Price maintained his sense of justice extends beyond the courtroom.

"The restorative justice piece, for me, is today being a better father, and you know, giving back to the ancillary victims -- my mother, you know, my son's mother, and of course, my son -- and just giving back to the community," Price outlined.

Price emphasized his work as an advocate for programs to help loved ones stay connected with family members in prison focuses on people who have children at home and have demonstrated successful rehabilitation.

"I'm a father today, because of the people who sacrificed and the organizations who gave me an opportunity to really meet my son and understand him, and him understand me," Price added.

Disclosure: The Michigan Collaborative to End Mass Incarceration contributes to our fund for reporting on Criminal Justice. If you would like to help support news in the public interest, click here.

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