Oregon high schoolers in the class of 2027 can expect a new financial literacy course on their schedules.
The class on personal finance, along with a class on career preparation, will be required for graduation after the Oregon School Board sided with legislators this summer. Opponents of the requirement included teachers unions and school boards, who wanted the lessons to be integrated into other classes.
Pam Leavitt, senior vice president of political programs and legislative affairs for the GoWest Credit Union Association, said the skills are important enough to focus on in separate courses.
"It's not an area of focus within the schools that should be done in an elective," Leavitt argued. "Every single student should graduate and understand their personal finances."
Leavitt cited a 2023 survey from the National Financial Educators Council, which found more than 60% of adults in the U.S. had lost at least $500 during the year due to lack of knowledge about personal finance, with the average loss over $1,500 dollars. She believes the required courses should help students avoid mistakes she often sees working with financial institutions.
Leavitt works with credit unions across the West and noted she has seen recent graduates struggle with credit cards, home loans and student debt. Not every person has the resources to learn about budgeting on their own, so she is convinced the course requirements will help students of all backgrounds to achieve financial security.
"This is what was lacking when students were graduating," Leavitt contended. "They need these basic life skills and every student in our state needs them."
While school requirements have varied over the years, Leavitt pointed out Oregon credit unions have worked to fill in the gaps by providing financial assistance when possible. Oregon joins more than two dozen other states in requiring a financial literacy course to graduate.
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Despite being four years into Ohio's six-year Fair School Funding Plan, it has yet to receive full funding.
Advocates of the plan are pushing for the final phase-in - and for updated cost estimates - in the new state budget cycle.
But some Republican lawmakers argue the General Assembly shouldn't be bound to such long-term and costly commitments.
As the current state budget ends in June, Susie Kaeser - an education specialist with the League of Women Voters of Ohio - said the Fair School Funding Plan is the only way to equitably fund Ohio schools.
"This is the moment we've been waiting for, for more than 50 years," said Kaeser, "to actually find a solution to fairly fund the public schools, which are the cornerstone institutions of every community - and for the League, for democracy."
Advocates argue that properly funding public schools benefits all Ohioans and ensures equal access to education in all 609 districts.
However, some policymakers and taxpayers worry about the financial strain, particularly with rising property values and state budget limitations.
Critics of Gov. Mike DeWine's latest budget proposal say it uses cost figures from 2022 for the school funding plan, which need to be updated.
Superintendent of the Ohio Valley Educational Service Center and member of the Fair School Funding Committee, Dalton Summers, highlighted the progress made in the past four years - and said it's important to complete the plan, and properly fund it.
"If we were to not fully fund the Fair School Plan," said Summers, "the vast majority of rural school districts are going to lose the amount of money that they were making."
While many support the Fair School Funding Plan, challenges remain, including concerns about long-term affordability and the potential impact of expanding school voucher programs.
Disclosure: League of Women Voters of Ohio contributes to our fund for reporting. If you would like to help support news in the public interest,
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Educators in Texas are concerned about the Trump administration's plans to dismantle the Department of Education.
One of the Department's primary roles is to administer federal funding for K-12 schools.
Zeph Capo, president of the American Federation of Teachers-Texas, said more than 18% of the state's education budget comes from federal funding and potential cuts would affect many programs.
"$1.3 billion for special education students, $132 million additional for life skills work that may go beyond traditional pre-K-12, $126 million for before- and after-school programs," Capo outlined.
The education department also administers Title I money for students in rural and lower income communities. Capo stressed those students will be more heavily affected by the cuts.
Earlier this week, the U.S. Senate confirmed Linda McMahon as the new Secretary of the Department of Education. During her confirmation hearing, she said the public education system is in decline and vowed to reorient the department and invest in teachers. During a town hall meeting, Capo told teachers it is time to organize and take action.
"Contact your representative. You can find ways to do that on our website. You can make your way to the page where you can send an action letter," Capo explained. "The second thing is to submit an op-ed or a letter to the editor. Share your story with your elected officials, share your story with your community."
The president does not have the power to shutter the Education Department. It would take an act of Congress with 60 'yes' votes in the Senate.
Disclosure: The American Federation of Teachers-Texas contributes to our fund for reporting on Education, Livable Wages/Working Families, Mental Health, and Youth Issues. If you would like to help support news in the public interest,
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Capitol Hill observers said the Trump administration is moving quickly against the federal Department of Education, potentially leaving Virginia schools with a $2.5 billion hole in their budgets.
The Senate confirmed former pro wrestling executive Linda McMahon as the department's secretary this week, a move expected to trigger plans to dismantle the agency. Recent polls show 63% of Americans oppose closing the department.
David Walrod, president of the Fairfax County Federation of Teachers, said school districts are worried about the potential loss of funds.
"It would be devastating," Walrod explained. "Here in Virginia the federal government averages 9.8% of dollars that are spent on public education. If a district has a budget of $1 million, then the federal government is providing $98,000 of that. That's a pretty significant chunk."
According to USA Facts, Virginia public schools receive funding from the federal government, a total of $2.5 billion, or $2,038 per student. That's 19.6% below the national average of $2,233.
Walrod pointed out the loss of funds could affect the number of teachers schools can hire, put building improvements on hold and force administrators to decide which programs to keep. He fears the cuts would probably hurt the state's most vulnerable students.
"Most of that money is specifically geared toward students with disabilities," Walrod emphasized. "Students with disabilities can achieve. We know that they deserve the same opportunities that all of their classmates have. But in a lot of cases, those students can be more expensive to educate."
So far, the administration has made cuts to department staff, programs and research but only Congress can officially close the department. Walrod thinks elected officials should visit Virginia classrooms before making a decision.
"I would tell them to go walk through one of our public schools, to step into one of our special education classrooms, step into one of our inclusive classrooms, a generalized classroom that receives special education support," Walrod urged. "I would tell them to just look at the great work that is happening there."
Disclosure: The American Federation of Teachers contributes to our fund for reporting on Education, Health Issues, Livable Wages/Working Families, and Social Justice. If you would like to help support news in the public interest,
click here.
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