La Coalición por la Justicia y la Igualdad entre los Movimientos patrocina la Gira de Liberación H-B-C-U en universidades históricamente negras en todo el Sur para involucrar a los estudiantes en el sistema político. El objetivo es registrar a los estudiantes universitarios negros para que voten y que se escuchen sus voces. Destiny Pearson es coordinadora de programas del grupo. Ella dice que demasiados jóvenes están desvinculados del proceso político.
"Esto es muy preocupante porque alrededor del 50% de la Generación Z son personas de color, por lo que realmente queremos asegurarnos de involucrar a estos jóvenes estudiantes negros para que comprendan la importancia de esta elección y se involucren mas en el sistema político," Pearson explicó.
El Tour se detiene en Fisk College en Nashville el martes para reunirse con estudiantes y ayudar a inscribir a aquellos que aún necesitan registrarse para votar. Ya visitó la Universidad Howard y la Universidad Clark Atlanta, y planea paradas futuras en Jackson State, North Carolina A&T y Florida A&M.
Una encuesta reciente de Gallup-Walton Family Foundation entre miembros de la Generación Z en edad de votar en siete estados clave encontró que más de la mitad tiene muy poca fe en el gobierno. Harold Phillips es subdirector de programas del Consejo Nacional de Minorías contra el SIDA y dice que los jóvenes deben impulsar cambios significativos mediante el voto.
"Van a heredar este mundo que muchos de nosotros, las personas mayores, hemos creado y trabajado para construir, y por eso realmente necesitan sentirse capacitados para usar su voz para tratar de dar forma al futuro que será suyo," dijo Philips.
Una encuesta de NBC News muestra que, hasta el 4 de septiembre, la candidata demócrata Kamala Harris aventajaba al republicano Donald Trump por un margen de 50 a 32 por ciento entre los jóvenes de 18 a 29 años en siete estados disputados.
Las encuestas muestran que muchos jóvenes de color de la Generación Z se muestran ambivalentes en cuanto a votar, pero un grupo de activistas esta trabajando para cambiar eso.
El apoyo para este reportaje fue aportado por Carnegie Corporation of New York.
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With Pennsylvania's primary election set for May 20, a nonpartisan group is working to raise awareness about voter registration.
Over 8.7 million Pennsylvanians are eligible to vote in municipal elections.
Amy Widestrom - the executive director of the League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania - said she is concerned about low turnout in local races, noting Montgomery County's 41.9% turnout in 2023.
She says one precinct saw less than 1% - only 379 voters. She emphasized the importance of voting for key positions.
"These are the people that are doing the business of our local counties and our local schools and our local judges and our state courthouses," said Widestrom. "And so these are extraordinarily important elections. And yet, in 2023 for the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, we only got a 35% turnout."
She adds Pennsylvanians must register to vote by May 5 to cast a ballot in the primary, and the last day to apply for a mail-in-ballot is May 13.
Widestrom said low voter turnout has been an ongoing issue, especially in off-cycle elections like primaries and odd-year general elections.
She added that the League will host civic engagement events to educate voters on upcoming races.
"We'll be hosting a series of webinars called ballot box basics, highlighting both the importance of these municipal elections, but also, how do you learn about these candidates?" said Widestrom. "So we're going to host a webinar on judging our judges. How do we learn about the judicial candidates?"
Widestrom added that the League will be updating their website at with statewide candidate information before Pennsylvanians head to the polls or mail in their ballot.
Disclosure: League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania contributes to our fund for reporting. If you would like to help support news in the public interest,
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More testimony was heard yesterday about term limit reforms in North Dakota, an issue voters around the state might have to decide again.
In 2022, North Dakota voters approved imposing term limits for state lawmakers and the governor. Legislators can no longer serve more than eight years in the House and Senate.
But a handful of bills this session call for another ballot question, to raise state lawmakers' term limit to 12 years.
Sen. Justin Gerhardt, R-Mandan, sponsor of one bill, said the new framework threatens the value of experience at the State Capitol.
"Our citizen-led Legislature meets for only 80 days every two years," Gerhardt pointed out. "By the time a new legislator gets a handle on the budget process, legislative rules and the needs of their district, they're already on their way out the door."
He added his bill also addresses the issue of lawmakers who are appointed to fill a seat. Opponents said the moves undermine the will of the voters.
A separate bill proposing a new statewide vote on the prospective changes will be heard this morning. If one of the measures advances to the ballot, it likely would come up in the 2026 general election.
Those who want term limits said they foster fresh voices in policymaking.
Kevin Herrmann, a resident of Beulah, is one of the many people to testify against the new reform efforts.
"This resolution is a way for legislators to get back their legislative power over the citizens of North Dakota," Herrmann contended.
Another thorny element to this debate is, the 2022 ballot question included language prohibiting state lawmakers from trying to force the issue down the road. One of the bills in question repeals the language in trying to get the question back on the ballot. Backers of the proposals acknowledge they are likely to draw court challenges over constitutional arguments.
Support for this reporting was provided by The Carnegie Corporation of New York.
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A coalition of rural, progressive Democratic organizations is urging the new chair of the national party to invest more in rural and working-class communities in Nevada and around the country.
Anthony Flaccavento, executive director of the Rural Urban Bridge Initiative, said it's time for the party to start prioritizing these often forgotten groups, especially after the party's lackluster performance in November in which large portions of these groups rejected Democrats.
"If we don't begin to win back a significant part of these rural and working-class people, then Trump will more than likely survive these four years intact in the sense of getting his policies enacted," he said.
Flaccavento called the opposition reignited by Trump being back in the White House "promising," but adds it has to reach beyond highly educated, liberal folks. Nevada's rural voters make up a small fraction of the state's electorate, the majority being held within Clark and Washoe counties. That's where Democrats have focused their efforts and have stayed competitive. But Flaccavento pointed out that now more than ever, his party needs to regroup, restrategize and reinvest in rural, working-class America.
The new DNC chair, Ken Martin, the longtime leader of Minnesota's Democratic Party organization, recently wrapped up a multi-state tour in which he aimed to appeal to the working class. He has publicly acknowledged that the party has lost ground with working-class and rural voters. Flaccavento said time is of the essence which is why his coalition of groups is urging action now.
"How about we start with a focus on the DNC, with new leadership coming up, and try to get them on board with this and then work with the DNC to work with Democratic donors and the party in general to shift the focus and start investing in these two communities," he continued.
Flaccavento said many Democrats need to make long-term investments in "abandoned" counties where party leaders feel alone and locals feel like their requests and priorities are falling on deaf ears.
"We will not see results in one or two election cycles, but we might see results in a decade. And then in the battleground states do the same thing, but with more expectation that it'll actually yield election results in 2026 and in 2028," he concluded.
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