El número de estadounidenses mayores que viven solos debido al autoaislamiento o a la pérdida de su cónyuge está aumentando. Estos factores pueden impedirles recibir comidas saludables. La organización sin fines de lucro Meals on Wheels entrega comida caliente empaquetada individualmente a personas mayores de Illinois confinadas en sus hogares, que también pueden estar recuperándose de una enfermedad o cirugía. La directora ejecutiva, Andrea Proulx Buinicki, dice que hay sitios para comer remotos en todo Illinois disponibles para atender a este grupo demográfico, con entrada gratuita.
"Cada uno de nuestros 23 sitios en los suburbios de Cook, los condados de Will, Kendall y Grundy ofrecen (una) experiencia gastronómica en persona en nuestros cafés para personas mayores, para que pueda disfrutar de una comida nutritiva y relacionarse con nuevos amigos," enfatizó la entrevistada.
Buinicki dice que el hambre afecta a todos, pero a menudo se olvida al grupo demográfico de mayor edad. El Departamento de Servicios Humanos de Illinois afirma que antes de la pandemia, casi el 9% de las personas mayores de Illinois padecían inseguridad alimentaria. Y la investigación reveló un aumento de casi el 60% en la inseguridad alimentaria de los adultos mayores durante la COVID-19.
Buinicki agrega que los conductores voluntarios de reparto de comidas son una fuente importante de socialización diaria para los residentes mayores de Illinois que viven solos. Ella menciona que los voluntarios hacen más que llevar comida caliente a los necesitados.
"Primero, son los alimentos nutritivos que las personas necesitan para prosperar. Pero la segunda razón es que se trata de una conexión social importante. Y es una oportunidad para que personas fuera de la familia inmediata, o fuera de ese hogar, pongan ojos y oídos en alguien que podría estar aislado de otras personas," insistió además la entrevistada.
Buinicki argumenta que sus clientes esperan una visita todos los días. Actualmente, la organización está buscando voluntarios que puedan ayudar a llevar comidas a las personas mayores durante un par de horas de lunes a viernes en su comunidad. Community Nutrition Network supervisa el programa Meals on Wheels en Illinois.
Nota Aclaratoria: Community Nutrition Network y Senior Services Association contribuyen a nuestro fondo para informar sobre cuestiones comunitarias y voluntariado, cuestiones de salud, hambre/alimentación/nutrición y cuestiones de personas mayores. Si desea ayudar a respaldar noticias de interés público,
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Supported by federal funding, a nonprofit network is working to ensure Mississippi families have access to the food they will need this winter.
Nearly one in six Mississippians faces food insecurity, according to Feeding America.
Adam Runion, communications coordinator for theMississippi Food Network, said the U.S. Department of Agriculture has a program which allows them to distribute locally grown, fresh produce to more than 400 partner agencies statewide. He said they started with 21 agencies in underserved northwestern delta counties. The funding has helped nearly 5,000 families so far.
"It's able to serve about 200 people at each agency when we started per month, but we've been able to take on more agencies as the program has developed," Runion explained. "That comes out to 4,200 households per month are receiving assistance through this program."
Runion pointed out they offer a variety of programs, including distributing food boxes to qualifying seniors and a backpack program for schools. Students can take the healthy snacks home on weekends, helping to improve their overall health and grades.
Runion added the Mississippi Food Network also offers a monthly mobile pantry, directly serving clients in areas of high need. Funding for the program comes from local organizations.
"In that mobile pantry, we distribute an emergency food box," Runion outlined. "Alongside that, we typically do a protein, which could be anywhere from a chicken to some type of fish, any type of meat. And then, we also try to do fresh vegetables as they're available."
Runion added the network is teaming up with a local television station for a "Turkey Drive" on Thursday. Volunteers will collect donated turkeys and other grocery items outside Kroger stores. Last year, they collected more than 1,100 turkeys and $12,000. This year's goal is to exceed 1,100 turkeys and raise $15,000.
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The nonprofit Feeding Texas Network has announced its priorities for the upcoming legislative session. The food insecurity rate continues to rise in Texas and the organization is encouraging lawmakers to support bills that address the root cause of hunger.
Celia Cole, Feeding Texas Network CEO, said they support bills that will eliminate the backlog of SNAP applications, implement the Summer EBT program and streamline Medicaid reimbursements.
"We are seeing some of the highest rates of hunger in Texas that we've seen in years. We have the second highest rate of food insecurity in the country. People are really struggling to put food on the table and pay for everything else like rent and utilities," Cole explained.
She added their legislative goals are supported by the 20 food banks across the state that serve all 254 counties in Texas.
Lawmakers have already started filing bills for the 89th legislative session. Cole said the network has received support from many members of the legislature in the past, and added their priorities also include addressing other areas of financial strife.
"They include health, housing security, financial security and then also just our local food system - you know - what can we do to strengthen the local food system so that people will have access to fresh, nutritious, affordable foods in their own communities?" she continued.
Cole said hunger is a nonpartisan issue that impacts every county in our state. The legislative session starts January 14th.
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Colorado's leading advocate for people experiencing hunger turns 15 this year and a new report outlined key advances and persistent challenges facing residents across the state.
Elissa Hardy, director of client services for Hunger Free Colorado, cited its work on the Healthy School Meals for All program as a major win. Students in schools opting into the program can now get the nutrition they need to learn, regardless of their parents' ability to pay. She pointed out it is also putting an end to practices such as lunch line shaming.
"This really allowed for reduction in stigma, in discrimination, for those kids on low-cost food programs," Hardy observed. "Because (with the new program) everyone was getting the meals."
Colorado became the third state in the nation to provide free, nutritious breakfast and lunch for all public-school students when voters approved Proposition FF in 2022. Hunger Free Colorado has also helped secure more than $30 million in state funding to fill food banks and pantries with culturally relevant foods communities want, produced by local farmers and ranchers.
When the group started doing outreach for SNAP enrollment in 2009, just four in 10 Coloradans eligible for the program formerly known as food stamps were getting help. Hardy reported today, nearly eight in 10 eligible families are getting food assistance.
"Colorado was one of the lower ranking states, for the number of people who are eligible but not enrolled, and now we are much higher up in that rating," Hardy emphasized. "We now have a team of 20 who are going into the community to do outreach."
Hardy acknowledged there is still work to be done. More than one in 10 Coloradans do not know where their next meal will come from and 17% of Colorado families with children do not earn enough to ensure their kids get the nutrition they need.
"I think it's really easy to think that people have what they need, and they don't," Hardy added. "There is food insecurity in our own neighborhoods, our own neighbors might be struggling. We work with many colleges across the state, and many of the students are struggling."
Disclosure: Hunger Free Colorado contributes to our fund for reporting on Children's Issues, Health Issues, Hunger/Food/Nutrition, and Senior Issues. If you would like to help support news in the public interest,
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